Maiorana Patent Law, PA

Registered Patent Attorneys

About Maiorana PCs Silicon Valley Office

When did Maiorana PC open up its office in Silicon Valley?

We opened the office May 2017. We did so to better serve our clients in Silicon Valley as our firm has many semi-conductor clients located in there. Given our vast patent prosecution experience, superb service, and affordability, we anticipate many more Silicon Valley clients will look at us more closely now as we are Flat Fee Patent Lawyers Silicon Valley.
Henry: For those who are familiar with the Silicon Valley, we are located in the Golden Triangle region of North San Jose on Zanker Road, near Montague Expressway. For those who aren't quite as familiar with the area, the Golden Triangle region is an area that's bound by Highway's 237, 101, and Interstate 880, which are all major freeways in Silicon Valley. The Golden Triangle includes parts of San Jose, Sunnyvale, Santa Clara, and Milpitas.

Why did the firm choose that location?

We chose this location to be close to a number of large prospective clients who participate in technology markets that align with our patenting experience. (We also look for smaller clients as well.) Our research shows this particular area has a number of these types of clients. For example, Cisco was just about a mile away from our new office.

Also, according to a firm called TechAmerica, there are more than 460 tech companies in North San Jose. There are many more perspective clients within a few miles of our office and multiples of that within 10 miles or so of the office. A lot of prospects to work with.1
You can always ask one of our Affordable Patent Attorneys for additional information. Please call us at MI - 586-498-0670 or CA - 408-890-6549

  • Chris Maiorana
  • August 2017 (updated June 2019)
Topics: Flat Fee Patent Lawyer Silicon Valley, Best Patent Application Lawyer Silicon Valley

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