Maiorana Patent Law, PA

Registered Patent Attorneys

An Interesting Patent Success Story

When an individual inventor asks during an initial interview for examples of a successful patent story, I have several that I mention.

For individual inventors and entrepreneurs, I often mention the story of a local locksmith. He practiced as a locksmith for years. Then he had a good idea related to his locksmith practice. He went through the process of having us perform a patent search. After the search, we prepared and filed a non-provisional patent application - discussed here. After the patent was allowed - discussed here, we prepared and filed a continuation patent application for broader claims - discussed here. He ultimately got all of his patents allowed, and went on to give seminars on how to use the invention.

He sold his locksmith business, and went on a tour teaching how to use the invention after the purchase of the device. The patents protected him from someone else making, using, or selling the invention - discussed here. The seminars were apparently enough to allow him to close the locksmith business, and ultimately retire using the income from the seminars. That was quite a success.

We hope you will be the next success story that we can tell people about.

Call to set up your initial interview. MI - 586-498-0670 or CA - 408-890-6549.

  • Chris Maiorana
  • July 2017
Topics: Individual Inventors and Entrepreneurs, Non-Provisional Patent Application, Notice of Allowance, Continuation Patent Application - Rule 53(b)

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